Saturday, August 29, 2009

Setting up Neil C. Matheson

So, this is how I encountered my other classroom at Neil C. Matheson P.S.......

The floors are all washed and waxed. Look how shiny it is!!

It won't last very long like that :)

Moving furniture around is not as easy as it may look. It is heavy and when everything is pushed to the side it is hard to have an idea of where to move things.

This classroom, I think, is more spacious than the other one at Whitehorn.

This school is much older too. I am felling very much conflicted and I am not sure which school I like best.

Both are great, and both have great qualities.

So, after much moving around, this empty room started to look like a classroom again.

This is how I set up the writing centre (for now anyways! )

Here is another view! You can see the Math carpet, the science table (round table) and the writing centre at the back.

Both my filing cabinet and the heater (next to the writing centre) are magnetic, so I place lots of magnetic letter for the kids to play.

Another view. In the background you can see the open space where story time will take place.

Here is a view from another angle. You can see the sand table and the painting tables, the computers and the blocks shelving unit.

On the right, you see a little bit of the puppet teatre.

So here you go. Now you now what my classrooms look like.
When I finish setting up Whitehorn properly. I will post more pics.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Setting up Whitehorn P.S.

This is my classroom at Whitehorn P.S.

I will be teaching kindergarten here part time in the afternoon starting Sept 8.

Summer is definetely over :(

But I am very excited to be teaching and learning with my students.

There is soo much to do!!

Today I went there and re-arrenged the furniture, but it is still not like I want it.

And tomorrow, I will go to my other school (the one that I will be teaching in the morning) and I will have to set up my furniture there.

Ai, ai, ai.

I have 26 students in my class!! 26!! I began to fill out bus tags and other forms today....

There is sooo much to do!!!

Whitehorn is a new school and has lots of storage space and an LCD projector on the ceiling (first picture).

I am not sharing the classroom with anybody and my classroom doesn't connect to any other classroom. I also have 4 other teachers teaching the same grade.

We are the super K team!!

Some of the pictures are from June from the last days of school. The classroom was a mess. Today, when we were finally allowed back in school, I found everything pushed to the side, chairs all piled up (first picture). It took me a long time to re arrange the furniture to something that resambles a classroom.

I can only imagine what my other classroom looks like....

I will post tomorrow to show you.



Saturday, August 22, 2009

Adam Dreamhealer

Have you ever heard of Adam Dreamhealer?

Adam is known as a gifted energy healer. His teachings and workshops explain how to improve your control over your immune system through combining energy and aura.

Adam has demonstrated a desire and ability to heal as he encourages others to play an active role in their own healing. His message is for others to become self-empowered and KNOW that their own thoughts and intentions influence the body’s bio-chemistry to assist in their healing process.

Adam’s books and DVD are designed to assist people with their own healing. Regardless of the modality of healing you choose, the material in his books will complement the healing process. Adam intends to work toward scientifically proving that our intentions play a major role in our genetic expression and consequently our healing.

Adam has always focused on understanding the science behind healing with the hope of encouraging the medical establishment to take a more integrative approach to healing. With this focus in mind he will be pursuing post-graduate research focusing on epigenetics and in the long run he will be able to help more people worldwide.

I belive in Energy Healing and I have read one of his books, and will read another one before going to his workshop soon.

We have the power inside us to heal ourselves and to attrack to ourselves health and happiness.

I will be attending his workshop. Would you like to come with me?

Saturday, September 5, 2009 - 09:00 - 14:45 $135
Toronto Marriott Airport

901Dixon RoadToronto, Ontario M9W 1J5


Friday, August 14, 2009

My First Car EVER

Today was an amazing day for me. And I will cherish it forever.

Today was the day that I went to pick up my very first car. Yay!!

About 7 months ago, I got into an accident on my way to school on a very very icy, snowy day and I rear ended someone. No one got hurt and the only car damaged was mine (my dad's actually). The car was assessed as a Total Loss!! :(

That used to be my dear "Eusebio", the name I gave to this Honda Accord. He was old (10 years) and very experienced (+350K). I am still thinking of what name to give my new car, any suggestions?

The night before I had completely filled up the tank :(

(There will be another post about the follow up to the accident in September, stay tuned)

So, since then I have been without a car and totally dependent on Mississauga Transit, which, I have to say, has improved tremendously in these past 14 years.

But enough is enough. Specially since my assignment at school will change in September and I will no longer be able to use the bus to go to work.

I will be working as a Kindergarten teacher in two different schools. One in the morning and one in the afternoon. I simply couldn't make it on time to the second school if I took the bust, so I HAD TO GET A CAR! :)

But I had no money, so I saved and saved and saved and saved some more, and "tcharan" now I have a car. My very first car.

I leased a Nissan Versa 09. I got a great deal with extended warranty and I found out that the manager at the dealership went to the same High School I did, and was in fact in my brother's class!!!! (More deals)

Estou muito feliz mesmo. I was feeling butterflies in my stomach as I said to my brother "I have adult responsabilities now!!" He laughed.

I was first considering getting a smart car, then I switched to a Toyota Yaris, then my brother suggested a Kia Forte.

Last week we went to check out some cars and we went first to the Toyota dealership and the salesman was so inexperienced that it was painful. So we left and were headed to see the Kia forte, when we passed the Nissan dealership and we both felt like we should stop and check it out too.

Well, I never made it to see the Kia Forte!! And the rest is history. :)

I had a truly rare amazing day.

The day started off by me finding a check, that was inside my wallet, but I thought I had lost it. So that is a plus.

Then my brother and I went to the dealership to pick up the car.

The salesman was an Indian man from Goa, that did not speak Portuguese, but his name was Olympio Fernandes.

He was very catholic and gave me a rosery as a present !!

Then, just before he gave me the keys to the car, he said he had to bless the car!! And he did!

So, now my car is blessed and protected!!

Then, I took my family out for lunch, East Side Mario's and I paid the bill! I am a grown up now :P

Later, I went to the mall and got my eybrows and lips done. I felt like a princess.

I also purchased a beautiful dress at Melanie Lynne that I have been eyeing all summer long. It was on Sale!!

Ai, ai. Today was a really rare great day. And I don't have many days in which I get to do all these things, so I had a very special day today. And I am happy to be sharing it with you. :P

Here are more pics of me and my new car:



Monday, August 10, 2009

Lemon Cures for Cellulite!!

Here is another great read "Lemon Cures" by Werner Meidinger. This book talks about all the great benefits of lemon in our diets and to our health.
One very interesting "cure" is using lemon to treat cellulite. Arghh!!

A study in Germany revealved that nearly 50% of all women in that country suffer from it to some degree: cellulite, the orange-peel skin on the upper thighs and buttocks.There's no way to predict who will develop cellulite. Young and slim or older and overweight -anyone may be affected. Sniff sniff.
Cellulite is a hereditary change in the connective tissue. Female connective tissue is more elastic than male connective tissue by nature, and therefore better able to stretch. Moreover, a woman's skin is structured so as to store more fat. Both factors play a role in the development of cellulite. However, in addition to fat deposits in the skin, cellulite also occurs in skin with higher levels of water retention and toxins.

The Cellulite Test

It is easy to determine how advanced the cellulite is by applying a pinch test. Pinch the skin on the upper thigh between thumb and index finger, then release.

  • If all you see are slight dimples, which disappear on their own after a few seconds, then the changes in the tissue are still in their early stages.

  • If the dimples remain visible for a longer period of time and are even visible on an extended leg without pinching, then the cellulite is more advanced.

  • If the dimples are also visible while siting and if the skin hurts when pinched, then there is pronounced cellulite.

Using Lemons to Treat Cellulite

The essential oil of the lemon has tissue-strengthening properties and can therefore contribute to the restoration of weakened connective tissue.

Massage with Lemon Oil

Simply mix a few drops of lemon oil with 1 tablespoon (15 ml) jojoba oil and massage into the areas affected by cellulite in the morning and at night

Skin-regenerating Lemon Cellulite Oil

Add 15 drops lemon oil to 50 ml Jojoba oil and 10 drops each of nightshade and cypress oil. You can use the anti-cellulite oil everyday- to regenerate the skin, for general skin care and to strenghen the tissue.

Hopefully it will work.



Friday, August 7, 2009

Julie & Julia

Hoje eu fui assistir esse filme e gostei muito.
Meryl Streep é uma atriz fantastica. Amy tambem esta se tornando uma atriz muito boa.
O filme conta a historia de Julie que resolve fazer as 524 receitas de Julia em 1 ano e escrever um blog sobre isso.
É muito interessante de ver como o blog entra nessa historia. It's sooo liberating!
Escrever um blog sobre isso ajuda Julie a se indentificar e se achar como pessoa, principalmente quando ela esta passando por uma crise existencial. (Ela fez 30 anos!)
Eu acho que o blog vai ser isso para mim. Não que eu vou vir aqui e chorar as pitangas na internet, mas estou gostando muito de poder vir aqui e escrever sobre coisas que me agradem ou não.
Acho que fiquei ate inspirada em cozinhar mais. Cheguei em casa e cortei o pão em fatias fininhas e coloquei na frigideira com azeite para fritar com sal e oregano. Chique né! Melhor do que o pão para torrar na torradeira :)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

2 Great Books to Read

Hi there!

For my third post, I want to talk about something that inspires me: Books. Being a teacher and a book lover, you will probably see lots of post on books that I liked and on articles on education.

Today, I would like to recommend that EVERY parent, teacher, and any one interested in the education of young children, read the following two books.

1- Reading Magic: Why Reading Aloud to Our Children Will Change Their Lives Forever by Mem Fox

Reading aloud stories and books to your children, students is an amazing thing to do and sooooo very important. It is our job as adults to teach children the joy of reading. It is the best gift we can give the younger generation. I don't want to spoil the book for you, so I will just eagerly say again: Read this book.

(Mem Fox is an amazing children's story book writer from Australia)

2- Einstein Never Used Flash Cards: How our Children REALLY learn- and why they need to play more and memorize less by Kathy Hirsh- Pasek and Roberta Michnick Golinkoff

This one is more for parents. One important message is "Be your child's parents, not your child's teacher" This is important because there a lot of parents now that feel that they have to teach their kids everything about reading and writing and math BEFORE the kids even go to kindergarten!! And this is in part due to all the new products out there like Baby Einstein, Baby Mozart, and similar products.

Children learn better througth MULTI-SENSORY experiences, not by watching a television screen telling them "This is a red circle", "This is a lion", "This is the number 2"

When you are actively engaged playing and talking with your child, they learn a lot more than they ever will by watching a DVD or looking at flash cards.

This book was inspired on another book called "The hurried Child" written in 1980 by David Elkind. (There is a revised version in 2008). Mr. Elkind, back in 1980, had the foresight to see how important childhood is and even more important: play time. He talks about how play time has constantly been taken away in schools and replaced with academics. Did you know that some schools in the United States have ABOLISHED RECESS??? Isn't that crazy???

(I haven't read this book yet, but this is what I know about the book)

On July 27, CBC Radio had an interview with the authors of "Einstein never used flash cards". It is very interesting. I will post the link below. Each episode is about 1 hour long, but well worth the time.

I hope you enjoy it.

As you can see, I am very passionate about these books. Let me know what you think about it after you read them.



Sunday, August 2, 2009

I need a Car

So, as most of you know, I have been without a car for about 7 months now!! Yes, seven months without a car!
I have been living on buses basically. I have been very green, no gas money, no car payments, no car insurance, but also with very limited transportation.....
But before September, I NEED A CAR.

I will start teaching in two schools this fall; one in the morning, and the other after lunch. So I need to get to my second school in time and for that I will need a car. I will no longer be able to rely on buses....

So that's what I am doing now, checking out cars!!

I found out about a great website called:

This is a website for people that for whatever reason can't countinue paying their car anymore, so they need other people to take over their lease. I found some very good deals there.

I will let you know which car I end up with.

Wish me luck!



Saturday, August 1, 2009

My First Post

Hello everyone,

Thank you for visiting my blog! I have been wanting to create a blog for a long time now. And when I was creating this one, I discovered that I had already created one back in 2006 but never posted anything.... Go figure.

I hope that with this blog we can keep in touch and exchange ideas and informations. I plan to write often and about a wide range of topics.

I guess blogging is the new way to communicate, so I am embrancing it and learning as much as I can about this.

I will be looking forward to see your comments soon.

