Thursday, December 31, 2009

Chocolate on everything

O blog de culinaria de hoje nao eh totalmente RAW, mas eh sobre dar "um banho de chocolate em tudo".

Ai que delicia!

Chocolate pode ser RAW e vcs vao ver outras receitas de RAW chocolate mais pra frente, mas nao hoje. (he he he)

Vc ja alguma vez quiz fazer morango banhado em chocolate, ou pretzel no chocolate ou alguma fruta ou outra coisa e nao deu certo?

Eu acabei de descobrir o segredo. Vc nao pode simplesmente derreter o chocolate e banhar as coisas.

O culinarista Mark Bittman, que escreve para o New York Times, tem um channel no YouTube que se chama "The Minimalist". Ele tem varios clips dando um monte de dicas culinarias.

Essa do chocolate eu vi primeiro no Estadao Online em Portugues. Ate entao nao conhecia ele. Mas como gostei da materia e queria fazer um blog sobre isso ( e ainda nao tinha decidido se ia blogar em Portugues ou Ingles) precisava encontrar um link do video em Ingles. Foi ai que encontrei ele no YouTube.

Vou por link do video nas duas linguas.

O segredo eh saber fazer a "temperagem do chocolate".

Vc precisa de um termometro de doce e de "3 temperaturas".
Derreta o chocolate em banho maria ate chegar 46C.
Ponha pedacos do mesmo chocolate dentro do chocolate ja derretido e va mexendo e espere esse pedaço de chocolate derreter. Quando estiver tudo derretido e o chocolate chegar na temperatura de 33C, vc pode comecar a banhar tudo oque vc quiser. Quando a temperatura abaixar para mais do que 31C, vc precisa parar e esquentar o chocolate de novo da mesma forma.

Eh muito interessante. Veja os videos:

 (Em portugues)

Que delicia!

Monday, December 28, 2009

The Best Stats You've Ever Seen

No website: (Ideas worth sharing), eu vi o video abaixo. Muito muito bom.

Se assuntos relacionados com ciencias sociais, economia, anthropologia, differenca de pobreza, educacao, saude e longevidade entre paises te interessam , vc vai gostar destas estatisticas.

Comece com esse pequeno test antes de ver o video:

Which country (from the pairs belows) has the highest child mortality?

Sri Lanka    or    Turkey
Poland        or    South Korea
Malasya      or    Russia
Pakistan      or    Vietnam
Thailand      or    South Afrika

Agora assista o video:

O matematico estaticista Hans Rosling (fotos) mostra em sua palestra graficos muito interessantes e didaticos de comparacao entre os paises que sao considerados ser do "1 mundo" e do "3 mundo". Aprendi muita coisa nova. E vc?

Vale a pena assistir.


Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas 2009

Nosso natal esse ano foi bem simples, mas bom. Passamos a vespera com nosso amigo Felipeque perdeu o voo para o Mexico e tinha que ficar aqui mais um dia.

Senti muitas saudades de minha familia. Nao foi igual passar sem eles, mas nao vou me queixar. Aqui em casa estamos todos com saude. Obrigada Senhor.
No dia do Natal, fomos na casa da Olga e do Manuel. Sao otimos amigos nossos. Ja passamos o natal com eles ja fazem algums anos. Foi bem divertido. Comemos peru e estava tudo delicioso. Levei de sobremesa o resto das truffas e fiz um mousse de maracuja (tambem tenho um receita RAW de mousse de maracuja, mas nao deu tempo de comprar todos os ingredientes) entao fiz a receita normal mesmo.

Feliz Natal para todos.

Que 2010 seja um ano muito abençoado para todos nos e muito prospero tambem.

Estou agora afirmando para o universo que o Natal de 2010 vamos passar no Brasil junto da familia e o ano novo tb; na praia, vendo os fogos.


Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Chocolate-Coconut Truffles

It's been about a year now that I've been really interested in RAW FOOD or LIVE FOOD.
Raw Food is is a lifestyle promoting the consumption of un-cooked, un-processed, and often organic foods as a large percentage of the diet. Raw foodists typically believe that the greater the percentage of raw food in the diet, the greater the health benefits. Typical foods include fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds and sprouted grains and legumes. There is no meat, dairy, eggs, sugars or un-natural fats. It's kinda like Vegan Cuisine, but without cooking the food.

Raw Foodist believe that foods cooked above 46 °C (115 °F)  have lost much of their nutritional value and are less healthy or even harmful to the body.

Now, I am not about to do a radical lifestyle change here, but this really interests me. Specially because you get to eat really really healthy food.

This past year was very difficult for me and I eat as a result of stress. I am probably 25 kilos above my normal weight!!! That's horrible.

I've done sooo many diets my whole life and even though I am overweight now, I simply refuse to go on another diet. The Raw Food Movement interests me because I don't want to ever say again that I am on a diet. If I have to use the word diet, it has to be like this: " My diet consists of fruit, green, legumes, nuts, etc... .

Maybe I am looking for a lifestyle change.

I've read plenty on the subject and bought two books already.

I know all about eating smaller portions and in moderation, but my hardest problem is with planning my meals. And not eating as a result of stress and anxiety.

I am hoping that in 2010 I will go back to my normal weight by eating healthy foods and feeling good about eating and replenishing my body with good foods.

I will definetely write more posts on this subject.

From the cook book LIVING RAW FOOD, I got the recipe for chocolate-coconut truffles. They are absolutely amazing. And there is no sugar, no milk, no butter.

Here is the recipe:

Makes about 40 truffles

Equipment: High Speed Blender

1/2 cup coconut butter/oil, warmed to soften. ( Found in health food stores)
3/4 cup agave nectar (found in health food stores or the organic section of Loblaws). Agave nectar comes from the Agave plant. It tastes like honey but has an incredible low glicemic index.
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
1 cup dried finely shredded coconut
2 1/4 cup cocoa powder, preferably raw, sifted

In a high speed blender, blend the warmed coconut oil/butter, agave nectar, vanilla and salt. Add the shredded coconut. 1/2 cup at a time, and blend until smooth.
Transfer the mixture to a bowl and stir in 2 cups of the cocoa powder until throughly combined. Place the bowl in the refrigerator for about 10-15 minutes.
Place the remaining 1/4 cup of cocoa powder onto a small plate. Spoon heaping tablespoons of the chocolate mixture and roll them into balls. Roll these balls in the cocoa powder. (You can also roll them in the shredded coconut, I did it and it was delicious)
Store the finished truffles in the frigde.


Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Nutcracker Ballet

Dia 6 de Dezembro levei meu pai e meu irmao para assistirem ao Ballet de Quebranozes no Living Arts Centre.
Sempre tive vontade de ir ao Ballet e como nao tinha ainda visto esse Ballet, nao quis perder essa opportunidade.
Foi lindo. Chorei.
E maravilhoso como existem meio differentes atraves da arte de expressar sentimentos e emoções.
Em 2010 vou ir ao Ballet mais vezes.


Saturday, November 21, 2009

First Aid Course

St. John Ambulance.

This weekend, I am doing a re-certification course in First Aid and CPR for school.
It is very important to know what to do in case of an emergency.It can save lives. Simple measures could mean the difference between life or death to a loved one or someone you know.
I recommend that everyone take this course at least once. You learn things that you never knew.Even though this is the second time I am taking the course, I've learned some knew things because some of the practices have changed.
The instructor in my course has shared some personal stories about people in her life that were seriously hurt because First Aid was not applied, or was applied incorrectly.
Her aunt suffered from low blood pressure, but the symptons of low blood pressure and high blood pressure can be very similar. A neighbor with good intentions decided to help by giving her aunt her own medication for high blood pressure, because the neighbor thought that her aunt was suffering from high blood pressure. The result: her aunt's blood pressure fell even lower and she became unconscious and had to be hospitalized. She survived.
Her nephew, was two years old, when he swalled some DRANO; the stuff used to unclog faucets. It is a grainy white power that looks like sugar. It is a dry chemical, that gets activated when interacted with water. That chemical had already started to work in his mouth because of the saliva, but his mother, acting on instinct rather than knowledge, decided to give him water to wash it away. He died.
Her grandmother's friends's grandaughther was seven years old and was playing with a balloon. The balloon suddenly exploded and part of the rubber went into her mouth. She suffacated and died.
When something is blocking your air way, and it happens to be plastic or plastic material, an abdominal thrust will NOT help no matter how hard you try, because a person's inside is moist and wet and plastic sticks to it.
There is soooo much more that you can learn. You learn about AED (Artificial External Defribilator) which is used to shock the heart when a person has become unconscious and has stopped breathing. This machine is idiot proof. There is a voice that tells you exactly what to do, so you don't have to feel nervous about using it on someone.
I learned today, for example, that what we see on TV, when the doctors wait for a flat line on the heart monitor to shock the patient, is incorrect. When a person's heart show a flat line you can no longer ressusitate them, and the AED no longer works. It is too late.
Before a person's heart stops beating completely, it "quivers" for a while. It is only at the time that shocking the heart will be effective.
I learned how to immobilize a person's arm and leg when it gets injured or broken.
I learned how to seek help and to remain calm.
I learned about burns, and bleeding wounds, and chocking.
I learned that it is no longer recommended to ask a person with a nose bleed to put their head back. The practice now is to ask the person to put the head down and let the blood drip all out until it stops. The reason being is that if the person tilts their head back and there is lots of blood to come out, they might choke on their own blood, as it deposits in the throat area.
I also shared with the class that I have many times received an email that "teaches" you what to do when you suspect that yourself or someone around you is having a heart attack and there is no help around. The email suggests that you encourage the person to cough really hard.
My instructor said that this is a terrible urban legend and you should NEVER do that. The reason, simply put, is that you cannot "encourage" the heart to start beating again by coughing. That is medically impossible. And if you are having a heart attack and force yourself to cough you could injure yourself even more.
When you are in the middle of an emergency, the last thing you want is to built up on your anxiety and fear because you don't know what to do.
In this case, knowledge is power.
It is one weekend of your life that is very benefial.
Highly recommended. For more information, contact
PS: I also learned today that when helping someone that is chocking you no longer say that you applied the Heimlich maneuver, you say that you applied abdominal thursts. That's because Dr. Heimlich wants royalties for people using his name. (LOL)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Halloween is here.....


sorry about not posting so frequently now. I have been crazy busy at school. Kindergarten is a looooooooooooooooooooot of work. Who said kindergarten is fun?????

There is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much planning and the work is never done. There is always more work to do!!!

Soon I will have to start writing report cards. I am not looking forward to it.

But I love teaching.

This week my class did a Halloween Art and it was so wonderful.

I loved it.

Lots of teachers make "crafts" in their classroom, but I want to make art with them.

What the difference between a craft and an art project, you ask?

Well, a craft is when the student's work look exactly the same. An art project is when it looks like their own and it is not the same as others.

My halloween art open ended. I gave them a purple piece of paper, a paint brush and put a drop of white paint on their paper. I told them to make it into a ghost, a monster or whatever they wanted. Next I put a drop of orange paint and they created something beautiful again. Then, I gave them accents like googley eyes and witches, and pumpkins and haunted houses.

For the grand finnaly, I found baking soda in the classroom, but I poured it into another container and told them it was "ghost powder". They all believed it.

I put some "ghost powder" in their pictures.

It was an amazing day. I will cherish it forever.

I will post the pictures later.



PS: I am sleeping a little bit better, but it could improve still.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Meus 30 anos!

Dia 16 de Outubro fiz 30 anos. Uau!
Quantas coisas ja me aconteceram. Quantas conquistas, quantas vitorias.
Estou muito feliz e declaro abertamente que essa decada sera a melhor decada da minha vida ate agora.
Muita paz para todos e Jesus no coracao sempre.

Friday, October 2, 2009



Definition: Insomnia is a symptom, not a stand-alone diagnosis or a disease. By definition, insomnia is "difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep, or both" and it may be due to inadequate quality or quantity of sleep. Insomnia is not defined by a specific number of hours of sleep that one gets, since individuals vary widely in their sleep needs and practices.

For the past month I can't sleep. This is such a horrible feeling. I feel exhausted all day and night and I can't "fall" asleep or maintain sleep.

My doctor gave me prescribed sleeping pills and a while ago I meant to go back to her office and ask her if she gave me placebos, because they weren't working. When I take them, sometimes they help me fall asleep better, but only for 1 hour or 2 hours. Other times, they doesn't work at all.

Right now I feel very miserable. All I want to do is sleep and I can't.

Sleep is very sacred to me now. That's the one thing I want the most.

"No wonder you have insomnia...., lying there awake all night"

So, right now, since I can't fall asleep anyways, I am researching what monster this is.

Here is what I found:

Insomnia is generally classified based on the duration of the problem. Not everyone agrees on one definition, but generally:

symptoms lasting less than one week are classified as transient insomnia,

symptoms between one to three weeks are classified as short-term insomnia, and

those longer than three weeks are classified as chronic insomnia. (Great, this is where I am!)

Statistics on Insomnia

Insomnia affects all age groups. Among adults, insomnia affects women more often than men. (That's just great!)

Stress most commonly triggers short-term or acute insomnia.

Ok, so I now I am stressed and anxious with my new teaching assignment, but this is too much.

Have you ever experienced insomnia? What did you do to cure it?

Please let me know.


Monday, September 21, 2009


Dr. Ernesto Artur - Cardiologista "Quando publiquei estes conselhos 'amigos-da-onça' em meu site, recebi uma enxurrada de e-mails, até mesmo do exterior, dizendo que isto lhes serviu de alerta, pois muitos estavam adotando esse tipo de vida inconscientemente".

1.Cuide de seu trabalho antes de tudo. As necessidades pessoais e familiares são secundárias.

2.Trabalhe aos sábados o dia inteiro e, se puder também aos domingos.

3.Se não puder permanecer no escritório à noite, leve trabalho para casa e trabalhe até tarde.

4.Ao invés de dizer não, diga sempre sim a tudo que lhe solicitarem.

5.Procure fazer parte de todas as comissões, comitês, diretorias, conselhos e aceite todos os convites para conferências, seminários, encontros, reuniões, simpósios etc.

6.Não se dê ao luxo de um café da manhã ou uma refeição tranqüila. Pelo contrário, não perca tempo e aproveite o horário das refeições para fechar negócios ou fazer reuniões importantes.

7.Não perca tempo fazendo ginástica, nadando, pescando, jogando bola ou tênis. Afinal, tempo é dinheiro.

8.Nunca tire férias, você não precisa disso. Lembre-se que você é de ferro. (e ferro , enferruja!!.

9.Centralize todo o trabalho em você, controle e examine tudo para ver se nada está errado. Delegar é pura bobagem; é tudo com você mesmo.

10.Se sentir que está perdendo o ritmo, o fôlego e pintar aquela dor de estômago, tome logo estimulantes, energéticos e anti-ácidos. Eles vão te deixar tinindo.

11.Se tiver dificuldades em dormir não perca tempo: tome calmantes e sedativos de todos os tipos. Agem rápido e são baratos.

12.E por último, o mais importante: não se permita ter momentos de oração, meditação, audição de uma boa música e reflexão sobre sua vida. Isto é para crédulos e tolos sensíveis.

Repita para si: Eu não perco tempo com bobagens.


Uma nota importante sobre os ataques cardíacos.Há outros sintomas de ataques cardíacos, além da dor no braço esquerdo(direito). Há também, como sintomas vulgares, uma dor intensa no queixo, assim como náuseas e suores abundantes.

Pode-se não sentir nunca uma primeira dor no peito, durante um ataque cardíaco. 60% das pessoas que tiveram um ataque cardíaco enquanto dormiam, não se levantaram. Mas a dor no peito, pode acordá-lo dumsono profundo.Se assim for, dissolva imediatamente duas Aspirinas na boca e engula-as com um bocadinho de água.

Ligue para Emergência (193 ou 190) e diga ''ataque cardíaco'' e que tomou 2 Aspirinas. Sente-se numa cadeira ou sofá e force uma tosse, sim forçar a tosse pois ela fará o coração pegar no tranco; tussa de dois em dois segundos, até chegar o socorro.. NÃO SE DEITE !!!!




Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Vovô Beto Querido!!

Hoje meu querido avô Roberto completaria 79 anos se estivesse vivo.

Ele desencarnou dia 24 de Abril de 2002 aos 72 anos.

Sua banda preferida era os Demonios da Garoa e cresci ouvindo ele contanto e cantando musicas desse grupo.

Aqui esta um clipe para vcs.



Friday, September 11, 2009

Ontario Teachers Receive New Professional Designation

Ontario Teachers Receive New Professional Designation

Beginning this fall, OCT - which stands for Ontario Certified Teacher - will be awarded by the Council of the Ontario College of Teachers to members in good standing.

The designation signifies that you:

  • are certified and qualified to teach in Ontario's publicly funded schools
  • possess distinct knowledge and skills specific to teaching
  • engage in ongoing learning throughout your career
  • belong to a community of highly educated, responsible and caring practitioners who are committed to helping Ontario students develop and succeed.
  • It's an important distinction, one we hope you will use frequently in the months and years ahead.

Until now, teaching was one of the only self-regulated professions in the province without a professional designation.

For example, we're all familiar with RN, CA, and PEng as designations for nurses, chartered accountants and engineers. The abbreviations become common fixtures in everyday language, symbolic of the professions and as respected titles for their practitioners.

OCT lets students, parents and the public know that you belong to a community of highly educated professionals, people whose professional practice is guided and informed by the profession's standards of practice and ethical standards.

At the request of College Council in 2007, we investigated the notion of professional designation. Over 16 months, through our annual member survey, focus groups and an extensive electronic poll designed and managed by expert firms outside the College, members told us they favoured having a professional designation.

Members wanted a tool to help raise the level of respect for teaching within the community. They wanted a symbol of personal, professional achievement. They wanted a moniker as testament to their distinct knowledge and skills and the respect, trust, care and integrity they demonstrate with their students, parents and each other.

OCT is that symbol.


Paula Correa, OCT

Friday, September 4, 2009

Court Decision

Early this year, on January 13th, I rear ended someone because as you can see, it was very snowy and cold that day.
I was on my way to work and was almost at the school when I couldn't stop the car. I went over a black ice patch on the road and hit the person in front of me.
The road had not been plough yet and the snow was very slushy. Even though I was very careful, I couldn't avoid not hitting the car in front me.
I was in shock when it happened. It was awful, because I could see that the car was going to hit, but I couldn't do anything to stop. I felt powerless.
The good thing is that no one got hurt, only my car :(
The other person's car was fine too.
But my insurance assessed the car as being a total loss and for seven months I couldn't afford to have another car.
Also, when the police arrived at the scene, I got a ticket for $325 and would lose 6 points because I was charged with "Careless Driving".
Me? A careless driver? Are you kidding me?
That was ridiculous.
I decided to fight it and went to court and today was the day scheduled for my trial.
Well, when I first started researching how to fight this, I discovered that cops will give you this extremely high fine for anything, because when they retire, they open up offices that fight traffic tickets. So they help each other.
Ex-cops will fight a traffic ticket for you, but you have to pay them $500!!! And they don't guarantee anything !!!!
I decided to just fight it myself and it was the best thing I did.
Because the other motorist was not there to act as a witness, the judge said:
Those were very sweet words. My insurance company did go up only because there is a claim of an accident, but now that there are no charges against me. It is all good.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Amizade é o amor sublimado

A amizade não está ligada aos elos biológicos, amizade é o amor sublimado, na sua mais alta essência divina. Amizade é o sentimento mais puro que envolve a terra. Amor e paixão passam em várias experiência reencarnatórias, mas, a amizade são os companheiros de sempre, nas alegrias de sempre.

Autor: Bezerra de Menezes

Vou dedicar esse post a todos meus amigos, porque a amizade é algo maravilhoso.....

A amizade é algo tão magico, tão bonito...

A amizade é o sentimento que imanta as almas unas às outras, gerando alegria e bem-estar. A amizade é suave expressão do ser humano que necessita intercambiar as forças da emoção sob os estímulos do entendimento fraternal. Inspiradora de coragem e de abnegação. A amizade enfloresce as almas, abençoando-as com resistências para as lutas. Há, no mundo moderno, muita falta de amizade! Publicado por: André Ariovaldo

Não sei o que eu faria sem meus amigos. Todos vcs exercem papeis diferentes, mas muito importantes na minha vida. Todos vcs ja me ajudaram muito no passado, quando eu passei por situações dificieis e me senti perdida, e tambem quando estava tudo bem e vcs compartilharam da minha felicidade comigo.

E continuam me ajudando agora, simplesmente por estarem presentes na minha vida e me ajudando com meu crescimento espiritual.

Todos vcs sao essenciais para minha saude mental e fisica.

Amizade elimina rugas, sabia disso?

Eu tambem ja magoei meus amigos no passado, e peço desculpas, pois não foi minha intenção.

Quero ter vcs sempre por perto e quero dizer que vou estar perto de vcs quando precisarem tambem.

Amigos são joias preciosas que temos nas nossas vidas e que nos ajudam a crescer e enriquecem nossas vidas.

Obrigada por todos vcs terem passado por minha vida, ou por ainda estarem na minha vida.

Amo todos vcs!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Setting up Neil C. Matheson

So, this is how I encountered my other classroom at Neil C. Matheson P.S.......

The floors are all washed and waxed. Look how shiny it is!!

It won't last very long like that :)

Moving furniture around is not as easy as it may look. It is heavy and when everything is pushed to the side it is hard to have an idea of where to move things.

This classroom, I think, is more spacious than the other one at Whitehorn.

This school is much older too. I am felling very much conflicted and I am not sure which school I like best.

Both are great, and both have great qualities.

So, after much moving around, this empty room started to look like a classroom again.

This is how I set up the writing centre (for now anyways! )

Here is another view! You can see the Math carpet, the science table (round table) and the writing centre at the back.

Both my filing cabinet and the heater (next to the writing centre) are magnetic, so I place lots of magnetic letter for the kids to play.

Another view. In the background you can see the open space where story time will take place.

Here is a view from another angle. You can see the sand table and the painting tables, the computers and the blocks shelving unit.

On the right, you see a little bit of the puppet teatre.

So here you go. Now you now what my classrooms look like.
When I finish setting up Whitehorn properly. I will post more pics.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Setting up Whitehorn P.S.

This is my classroom at Whitehorn P.S.

I will be teaching kindergarten here part time in the afternoon starting Sept 8.

Summer is definetely over :(

But I am very excited to be teaching and learning with my students.

There is soo much to do!!

Today I went there and re-arrenged the furniture, but it is still not like I want it.

And tomorrow, I will go to my other school (the one that I will be teaching in the morning) and I will have to set up my furniture there.

Ai, ai, ai.

I have 26 students in my class!! 26!! I began to fill out bus tags and other forms today....

There is sooo much to do!!!

Whitehorn is a new school and has lots of storage space and an LCD projector on the ceiling (first picture).

I am not sharing the classroom with anybody and my classroom doesn't connect to any other classroom. I also have 4 other teachers teaching the same grade.

We are the super K team!!

Some of the pictures are from June from the last days of school. The classroom was a mess. Today, when we were finally allowed back in school, I found everything pushed to the side, chairs all piled up (first picture). It took me a long time to re arrange the furniture to something that resambles a classroom.

I can only imagine what my other classroom looks like....

I will post tomorrow to show you.



Saturday, August 22, 2009

Adam Dreamhealer

Have you ever heard of Adam Dreamhealer?

Adam is known as a gifted energy healer. His teachings and workshops explain how to improve your control over your immune system through combining energy and aura.

Adam has demonstrated a desire and ability to heal as he encourages others to play an active role in their own healing. His message is for others to become self-empowered and KNOW that their own thoughts and intentions influence the body’s bio-chemistry to assist in their healing process.

Adam’s books and DVD are designed to assist people with their own healing. Regardless of the modality of healing you choose, the material in his books will complement the healing process. Adam intends to work toward scientifically proving that our intentions play a major role in our genetic expression and consequently our healing.

Adam has always focused on understanding the science behind healing with the hope of encouraging the medical establishment to take a more integrative approach to healing. With this focus in mind he will be pursuing post-graduate research focusing on epigenetics and in the long run he will be able to help more people worldwide.

I belive in Energy Healing and I have read one of his books, and will read another one before going to his workshop soon.

We have the power inside us to heal ourselves and to attrack to ourselves health and happiness.

I will be attending his workshop. Would you like to come with me?

Saturday, September 5, 2009 - 09:00 - 14:45 $135
Toronto Marriott Airport

901Dixon RoadToronto, Ontario M9W 1J5


Friday, August 14, 2009

My First Car EVER

Today was an amazing day for me. And I will cherish it forever.

Today was the day that I went to pick up my very first car. Yay!!

About 7 months ago, I got into an accident on my way to school on a very very icy, snowy day and I rear ended someone. No one got hurt and the only car damaged was mine (my dad's actually). The car was assessed as a Total Loss!! :(

That used to be my dear "Eusebio", the name I gave to this Honda Accord. He was old (10 years) and very experienced (+350K). I am still thinking of what name to give my new car, any suggestions?

The night before I had completely filled up the tank :(

(There will be another post about the follow up to the accident in September, stay tuned)

So, since then I have been without a car and totally dependent on Mississauga Transit, which, I have to say, has improved tremendously in these past 14 years.

But enough is enough. Specially since my assignment at school will change in September and I will no longer be able to use the bus to go to work.

I will be working as a Kindergarten teacher in two different schools. One in the morning and one in the afternoon. I simply couldn't make it on time to the second school if I took the bust, so I HAD TO GET A CAR! :)

But I had no money, so I saved and saved and saved and saved some more, and "tcharan" now I have a car. My very first car.

I leased a Nissan Versa 09. I got a great deal with extended warranty and I found out that the manager at the dealership went to the same High School I did, and was in fact in my brother's class!!!! (More deals)

Estou muito feliz mesmo. I was feeling butterflies in my stomach as I said to my brother "I have adult responsabilities now!!" He laughed.

I was first considering getting a smart car, then I switched to a Toyota Yaris, then my brother suggested a Kia Forte.

Last week we went to check out some cars and we went first to the Toyota dealership and the salesman was so inexperienced that it was painful. So we left and were headed to see the Kia forte, when we passed the Nissan dealership and we both felt like we should stop and check it out too.

Well, I never made it to see the Kia Forte!! And the rest is history. :)

I had a truly rare amazing day.

The day started off by me finding a check, that was inside my wallet, but I thought I had lost it. So that is a plus.

Then my brother and I went to the dealership to pick up the car.

The salesman was an Indian man from Goa, that did not speak Portuguese, but his name was Olympio Fernandes.

He was very catholic and gave me a rosery as a present !!

Then, just before he gave me the keys to the car, he said he had to bless the car!! And he did!

So, now my car is blessed and protected!!

Then, I took my family out for lunch, East Side Mario's and I paid the bill! I am a grown up now :P

Later, I went to the mall and got my eybrows and lips done. I felt like a princess.

I also purchased a beautiful dress at Melanie Lynne that I have been eyeing all summer long. It was on Sale!!

Ai, ai. Today was a really rare great day. And I don't have many days in which I get to do all these things, so I had a very special day today. And I am happy to be sharing it with you. :P

Here are more pics of me and my new car:

