Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Chocolate-Coconut Truffles

It's been about a year now that I've been really interested in RAW FOOD or LIVE FOOD.
Raw Food is is a lifestyle promoting the consumption of un-cooked, un-processed, and often organic foods as a large percentage of the diet. Raw foodists typically believe that the greater the percentage of raw food in the diet, the greater the health benefits. Typical foods include fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds and sprouted grains and legumes. There is no meat, dairy, eggs, sugars or un-natural fats. It's kinda like Vegan Cuisine, but without cooking the food.

Raw Foodist believe that foods cooked above 46 °C (115 °F)  have lost much of their nutritional value and are less healthy or even harmful to the body.

Now, I am not about to do a radical lifestyle change here, but this really interests me. Specially because you get to eat really really healthy food.

This past year was very difficult for me and I eat as a result of stress. I am probably 25 kilos above my normal weight!!! That's horrible.

I've done sooo many diets my whole life and even though I am overweight now, I simply refuse to go on another diet. The Raw Food Movement interests me because I don't want to ever say again that I am on a diet. If I have to use the word diet, it has to be like this: " My diet consists of fruit, green, legumes, nuts, etc... .

Maybe I am looking for a lifestyle change.

I've read plenty on the subject and bought two books already.

I know all about eating smaller portions and in moderation, but my hardest problem is with planning my meals. And not eating as a result of stress and anxiety.

I am hoping that in 2010 I will go back to my normal weight by eating healthy foods and feeling good about eating and replenishing my body with good foods.

I will definetely write more posts on this subject.

From the cook book LIVING RAW FOOD, I got the recipe for chocolate-coconut truffles. They are absolutely amazing. And there is no sugar, no milk, no butter.

Here is the recipe:

Makes about 40 truffles

Equipment: High Speed Blender

1/2 cup coconut butter/oil, warmed to soften. ( Found in health food stores)
3/4 cup agave nectar (found in health food stores or the organic section of Loblaws). Agave nectar comes from the Agave plant. It tastes like honey but has an incredible low glicemic index.
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
1 cup dried finely shredded coconut
2 1/4 cup cocoa powder, preferably raw, sifted

In a high speed blender, blend the warmed coconut oil/butter, agave nectar, vanilla and salt. Add the shredded coconut. 1/2 cup at a time, and blend until smooth.
Transfer the mixture to a bowl and stir in 2 cups of the cocoa powder until throughly combined. Place the bowl in the refrigerator for about 10-15 minutes.
Place the remaining 1/4 cup of cocoa powder onto a small plate. Spoon heaping tablespoons of the chocolate mixture and roll them into balls. Roll these balls in the cocoa powder. (You can also roll them in the shredded coconut, I did it and it was delicious)
Store the finished truffles in the frigde.
