Thursday, August 27, 2009

Setting up Whitehorn P.S.

This is my classroom at Whitehorn P.S.

I will be teaching kindergarten here part time in the afternoon starting Sept 8.

Summer is definetely over :(

But I am very excited to be teaching and learning with my students.

There is soo much to do!!

Today I went there and re-arrenged the furniture, but it is still not like I want it.

And tomorrow, I will go to my other school (the one that I will be teaching in the morning) and I will have to set up my furniture there.

Ai, ai, ai.

I have 26 students in my class!! 26!! I began to fill out bus tags and other forms today....

There is sooo much to do!!!

Whitehorn is a new school and has lots of storage space and an LCD projector on the ceiling (first picture).

I am not sharing the classroom with anybody and my classroom doesn't connect to any other classroom. I also have 4 other teachers teaching the same grade.

We are the super K team!!

Some of the pictures are from June from the last days of school. The classroom was a mess. Today, when we were finally allowed back in school, I found everything pushed to the side, chairs all piled up (first picture). It took me a long time to re arrange the furniture to something that resambles a classroom.

I can only imagine what my other classroom looks like....

I will post tomorrow to show you.

