Friday, September 4, 2009

Court Decision

Early this year, on January 13th, I rear ended someone because as you can see, it was very snowy and cold that day.
I was on my way to work and was almost at the school when I couldn't stop the car. I went over a black ice patch on the road and hit the person in front of me.
The road had not been plough yet and the snow was very slushy. Even though I was very careful, I couldn't avoid not hitting the car in front me.
I was in shock when it happened. It was awful, because I could see that the car was going to hit, but I couldn't do anything to stop. I felt powerless.
The good thing is that no one got hurt, only my car :(
The other person's car was fine too.
But my insurance assessed the car as being a total loss and for seven months I couldn't afford to have another car.
Also, when the police arrived at the scene, I got a ticket for $325 and would lose 6 points because I was charged with "Careless Driving".
Me? A careless driver? Are you kidding me?
That was ridiculous.
I decided to fight it and went to court and today was the day scheduled for my trial.
Well, when I first started researching how to fight this, I discovered that cops will give you this extremely high fine for anything, because when they retire, they open up offices that fight traffic tickets. So they help each other.
Ex-cops will fight a traffic ticket for you, but you have to pay them $500!!! And they don't guarantee anything !!!!
I decided to just fight it myself and it was the best thing I did.
Because the other motorist was not there to act as a witness, the judge said:
Those were very sweet words. My insurance company did go up only because there is a claim of an accident, but now that there are no charges against me. It is all good.


  1. Olá,
    Sou Wagner, imigrante, chego em BC semana que vem.
    Vi que vc é professora e vou validar o meu diploma aí tbém, sou prof. de Matemática.

    É possível contar um pouco da sua carreira aí pra mim?

  2. Oi Paula!

    Acabei de conhecer seu blog, e olha só que coincidência: estou estudando ECE (há duas semanas) num College em Toronto. O nome é Mothercraft e eu tive ótimas referências. Vi que vc mora no Canadá há um tempão. Tb se formou por aqui?
    Se não for te incomodar e vc tiver um tempinho, gostaria de trocar ideias sobre esta área com vc.
    Meu e-mail é
    Obrigada! =)

  3. Paula

    Meu blog não apareceu no recado anterior, mas é este aqui:

