Saturday, September 18, 2010


The sad fact about the next election in Brazil is that it will not be decided based on principles or values. Nobody cares if Dilma Roussef murdered or robbed. It is just populism in the cruelest form. She is Lula's lady. Poor people have benefited a little from the end of inflation, and they forgot that this situation was inherited by Lula.

What is interesting is that the Worker's Party is neither Communist nor the helper of workers. IBGE, the main statistical institution in Brazil , has just released the information that illiteracy in Brazil increased during Lula's reign. Basic sanitation is in the same level as it was at the time of his coronation. 50,000 Brazilians die violent deaths, most caused by guns and drugs smuggled into the country by the FARC Marxist terrorists, allies of Lula. Who cares? I have a cell phone and tv set. The next World Cup will be in Rio .

On the other hand, the Federal Development Bank (BNDS) has received this year US$ 100 BI to lend to large corporations, in order to "buy" their good will towards the government during the election year. The capitalists get the money for 3,5% to 7%, while the government pays 10% to 12% for the banks. Itaú bank had the largest profit of any bank in the Americas , including the ones in the US .

Other acts of largesse of the government include the distribution of TV and radio licenses to capitalists and politicians, a TV network for the union leaders (who take one day of salary from the workers and can't be audited - Lula forbid it) and the definition of the targets of investment of the pension funds from state companies, in the order of hundreds of billions of dollars. They can make you or break you.


This is a fascist economy, in its purest definition. Mussolini would be proud.

It is hard for the common folk to understand how Communism has changed from a social utopia to this raw fascism. The reason is that they retain the old veneer in cultural causes, such as free abortion, gay marriage, globalism, ecological radicalism, etc. Just like in China , they tell you how to live your private life. Censorship or "media control" is in Dilma's agenda, as it is in full course in Argentina and Venezuela today. The fiscal privacy of Dilma's opponents has been broken with no consequences. Basic constitutional rights are worth nothing to the Worker's party, and they are challenging property rights. A bunch of communist peasants, all funded and led by professional agitators, will invade farms, kill people (as they do now) and the issue will be decided by popular acclamation, in a commune.

We are being prepared to be pawns of the world government.

I predict rough times ahead for Brazil . Dilma is incompetent and stubborn. Brazil 's public debt has almost tripled and is about to explode, due to to the high interest rates. The boom in the exportation of minerals and agro-commodities that gave Lula's popularity such boost can end anytime, especially if a heavy crisis hits the dollar. The taxation level in Brazil is one of the highest in the world, at 40,5% and bureaucracy, with 85 different taxes in the last count, is astronomical. They won't be able to raise tax anymore to support the do-nothings employed in the government and the corruption.

When the government crashes, the social aids that supported Lula's popularity will be at risk. Without the booming exports, there will be fewer jobs, and it is possible that we see riots and protests. Things have always been too easy in this country, where food grows even in a crack in the sidewalk. Perhaps it is time for Brazilians to mature from suffering.

PS: Dilma's father was a Bulgarian. He fled his country because he was a communist activist. Surprisingly (?), in Brazil he was a capitalist and very rich. Dilma had a very bourgeois life, living in a large house and studying at private schools. It is always good to belong to the Communist elite.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Filme dos MST

Encontrei uma reportagem hoje no Estadao que o ator Benecio del Toro esta no Brasil fazendo um filme sobre o MST (Movimento dos Sem Terra).

Ja se encontrou com o Mr. Stedile que o presidente do movimento e elogia o MST por ser um movimento chevarista. "Che esta vivo no MST".

Que decepcao e que repulsa sinto em saber que alguem se interessa em mostras os vagabundos dos MST numa luz positiva.

Onde ja se viu isso. O MST invade terras alheias, destrue tudo, poe fogo e se acham certo!!

Nao queirem terras para cultivar e plantar alimentos, so querem invadir terras que nao lhe pertecem e destruir tudo.

MST sao um bando de anarquistas e desordeiros.

Uma vez,  na faculdade um professor venuzuelano, que eh Chavista roxo, comentando sobre a reforma agraria, no curso de estudos da America Latina, defendia a invasao de terras e nos jogou a seguinte pergunta: Se vc cultiva e trabalha na terra, nao acha que vc tem direito sobre essa terra?

Ora essa, eh claro que NAO! um NAO bem grande e redondo.

Ridiculo isso. Na epoca eu estava trabalhando na GAP, e entao pensei, ja que estou trabalhando na GAP, logo a GAP me pertence e os lucros devem vir para mim!!

Ai! Fiquei irritada.


Pronto ja passou. Ja respirei fundo.

Leiam a reportagem:,benicio-del-toro-esta-no-brasil-para-fazer-filme-sobre-mst,610919,0.htm



Saturday, September 11, 2010

Fime Brasileiro para o Oscar

O Ministerio da Cultura esta promovendo uma enquete para selecionar o filme a ser indicado para representar o Brasil para o Oscar do melhor filme estrangeiro. Entre os candidatos estao os filmes O Nosso Lar e o Chico Xavier. Quem estiver interessado em votar, aqui vai o link:

Abracos Fraternos


Friday, September 3, 2010

The Shack/ A Cabana

I have just recently finished reading this book and would like to recommend to everyone to read it.
It is wonderful. It changed my life for the better.

I love inspirational books and this is definitely inspiring.

This is the story of a man that loses his youngest daughter in a very tragic way and then loses himself in his grief. Until God sends him a letter and invites him to go back to the place where his daughter was murdered and he rediscovers God and completely transforms his relationship with God.

Don't worry, I am not giving the story away- I am paraphrasing what it says on the back of the book.

To be honest with you, I didn't like the book at first, but I began reading it because I friend recommended it to me and lent me her copy of the book. It was probably by the middle of the book that I felt "hooked in", and I am glad I stayed with it. This story is beautiful.

All of us can relate to it. All of us have had something happen in our life that has made us question God, and ask "why" to this and that.

God NEVER punishes. God is GOOD.


Two thumbs up.

Read it and let me know what you think



Thursday, September 2, 2010