Adam is known as a gifted energy healer. His teachings and workshops explain how to improve your control over your immune system through combining energy and aura.
Adam has demonstrated a desire and ability to heal as he encourages others to play an active role in their own healing. His message is for others to become self-empowered and KNOW that their own thoughts and intentions influence the body’s bio-chemistry to assist in their healing process.
Adam’s books and DVD are designed to assist people with their own healing. Regardless of the modality of healing you choose, the material in his books will complement the healing process. Adam intends to work toward scientifically proving that our intentions play a major role in our genetic expression and consequently our healing.
Adam has always focused on understanding the science behind healing with the hope of encouraging the medical establishment to take a more integrative approach to healing. With this focus in mind he will be pursuing post-graduate research focusing on epigenetics and in the long run he will be able to help more people worldwide.
I belive in Energy Healing and I have read one of his books, and will read another one before going to his workshop soon.
We have the power inside us to heal ourselves and to attrack to ourselves health and happiness.
I will be attending his workshop. Would you like to come with me?
Saturday, September 5, 2009 - 09:00 - 14:45 $135
Toronto Marriott Airport
901Dixon RoadToronto, Ontario M9W 1J5