sorry about not posting so frequently now. I have been crazy busy at school. Kindergarten is a looooooooooooooooooooot of work. Who said kindergarten is fun?????
There is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much planning and the work is never done. There is always more work to do!!!
Soon I will have to start writing report cards. I am not looking forward to it.
But I love teaching.
This week my class did a Halloween Art and it was so wonderful.
I loved it.
Lots of teachers make "crafts" in their classroom, but I want to make art with them.
What the difference between a craft and an art project, you ask?
Well, a craft is when the student's work look exactly the same. An art project is when it looks like their own and it is not the same as others.
My halloween art open ended. I gave them a purple piece of paper, a paint brush and put a drop of white paint on their paper. I told them to make it into a ghost, a monster or whatever they wanted. Next I put a drop of orange paint and they created something beautiful again. Then, I gave them accents like googley eyes and witches, and pumpkins and haunted houses.
For the grand finnaly, I found baking soda in the classroom, but I poured it into a
I put some "ghost powder" in their pictures.
It was an amazing day. I will cherish it forever.
I will post the pictures later.
PS: I am sleeping a little bit better, but it could improve still.